Yesterday, I was hit with nausea and terrible back pain and it lingered over into today. I didn’t get much accomplished today, but I did drive down to our local beach at sunset to see how it was looking. There were beautiful oranges and purples in the sky tonight. As the sun was almost set, I was so happy to see a heron land right in frame. He stayed there for a bit, but as the sun fell below the horizon, he moved to the tidal pools just in front of me – like I wasn’t even there. I was careful not to make any sudden movements and I was able to watch him feed for about thirty minutes, but I sadly had to get back home because I was starting to hurt really bad again.

I also met a couple of local photographers, Willy (from Portland) and Ivan (from Toledo). Willy told me about some photographer gatherings that happen along the coast, as well as in Portland. I’m going to look into those for sure. I need to get back to Portland soon to get some street photography with my K1000 (Kentmere B&W loaded right now) and my newly adapted vintage lenses (135mm, 75mm, 50mm, and 35mm).

I’m feeling a little better now after a few hours of rest and a hot shower. I’m hoping this will pass tonight and I can end the week on an upswing.

  • Steven Trotter is a graphic designer (UX/UI, web & branding), photographer, and maker living and working on the Oregon Coast. Trotter Steven