I loaded up the training platform with nuts today at lunch and, of course, decided not to put the camera out since I assumed it would just be more of the Steller’s Jays hogging the platform.

To my delight, all three of the crows decided it was their turn and ran off the jays. For the next 30 minutes, they took turns diving from the tree tops to gather as many nuts as they could carry. They never left the platform unattended, so they were able to get all of the treats. This is what I have been waiting for over the past two weeks.

They are still very skittish, but when they get comfortable with the platform I can move to the next phase and offer trades. Also, the Steeler’s Jays have gotten very comfortable with me being out there. Yesterday, the primary Jay came to the garden out back to squawk at Crystal and me to put food out. As I was getting the nuts ready with the front door open, he landed on the welcome mat and turned his head to look at me.


  • Steven Trotter is a graphic designer (UX/UI, web & branding), photographer, and maker living and working on the Oregon Coast.

    https://www.steventrotter.com hey@steventrotter.com Trotter Steven