“Up and Vanished: Under the Midnight Sun” by TenderfootTV Summary: Up and Vanished is an investigative documentary-style podcast hosted by Payne Lindsey. The series investigates..
“Dark Arenas” by audiochuck Summary: Every day thousands of people work in these Dark Arenas. They’ve chosen professions that grapple with the grotesque, deal with..
“Vanishing Point” by TenderfootTV Summary: Six hundred thousand people are reported missing each year. Most are isolated events without a common thread. But in some..
“Up and Vanished” by TenderfootTV Summary: Up and Vanished is an investigative documentary-style podcast hosted by Payne Lindsey. The series investigates missing persons cold cases..
“Run, Hide, Repeat” by CBC Podcasts Summary: Pauline Dakin’s childhood was marked by unexplained events, a sense of unseen menace, and secretive moves to new..