“Tower 4” by 7lamb


Mike Archer is a newly appointed fire watcher in the Wyoming woods. While he’s never done anything like this before, he needed something new after his mom passed. Now he hopes to spend his days in a tower above the trees looking for fires and working on his new book. But things aren’t as quiet and peaceful as he hoped. Strange interference blasts over his radio at night and he starts seeing and hearing creepy noises in the woods. But are these odd occurrences actually happening or is he just going stir crazy?

Trigger Warnings: Assault, Murder, Kidnapping

Category/Genre: Fiction, Suspense, Sci-fi

Host: Fictional podcast featuring the voices of Gina Coyle, Jack Austin, Robert Lamb, and Dylan Whitehead

Sleep Friendly: Very good for a nightly listen. Outside of a few “scary” moments, the voice acting is pretty quiet and even leveled. GREAT for going to sleep. Just catch up with the story the next morning!

Seasons (as of this review): 3

More information & subscribe: https://www.7lamb.com/audiodramas/tower-4

  • Steven Trotter is a graphic designer (UX/UI, web & branding), photographer, and maker living and working on the Oregon Coast.